Every young person seeks a place to belong.

SportQuest’s international family of ministries creates opportunities for youth to find community and discover the love of Jesus through sport, play, and fitness.

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Growth as Athletes

Community through Sport

Transformation in Jesus

Many youth live outside the reach of traditional church programs.

They might not feel comfortable or safe in that environment, but sport ministries help Christians follow the Great Commission and go beyond the walls of the church to reach them.

Sport activities create a safe space that opens hearts to the gospel.

Our sport ministries challenge youth to reach their potential as athletes, discover a biblical worldview, and find their place in God’s story. 

They find confidence through athletics.

Participants gain access to truly excellent sports training led by accomplished athletes and coaches.


They find community through their teams.

Many youth without a strong family structure find one through both our programs and the church.

They find a new identity in Jesus.

Caring mentors help athletes discover their true identities as God’s children and their purpose as disciples of Jesus.

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Global presence.


Our international family of Sport Missionaries plants sports-centered ministries in communities underserved by Christian missions and services. 

Meanwhile, our team at SportQuest HQ supports these missionaries by… 

Empowering Uniqueness

Each sport ministry we support has its own format and identity within its own culture and community. 

Providing Training

We help our Sport Missionaries build successful ministries with trainings in leadership development, team-building, and more. We also support coaches with advanced certifications and trainings within their sport. 

Gathering Support

We back up missionaries by raising funds, sending short-term teams on trips to support their programs, and connecting them with one another as an international community of ministry leaders.

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Sport is a universal language.

  • SportQuest currently supports 27 Sport Missionaries in 11 countries.

  • Throughout 25 years of ministry, our programs and partners have reached more than 50,000 youth. Often, their families are reached through the ministries as well.

  • SportQuest is also part of the global sport movement, an international network of churches, organizations, and leaders who make disciples of Christ through sport, fitness, and play.
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Meet the people WE serve.

Find more in the SportQuest blog.

By rance.bland November 8, 2023
Sports Camps bring the peace of Christ in the midst of war
By rance.bland August 25, 2022
Ashley (Fisk) Feister served with SportQuest in Belgium from 2004 - 2008. These were pivotal years in her life that laid a solid foundation for what God is calling her and her family to do today. Ashley and her husband, David, lead a discipleship program for young adults that combines hands-on farming, outdoor adventure, and deep biblical training called Planted Gap Year.
By angela.blackwell March 31, 2022
For Yackencys Domínguez Trías, enrolling her 10-year-old daughter Georgette Medina in a SportQuest soccer program resulted in several unexpected benefits. While watching her daughter practice, Yackencys saw a group of women exercising and learning about Christ. She wanted to join this community of women and decided to get involved. Today, Yackencys is part of the Vida Fitness Team and works out while Georgeth learns soccer skills. Both mother and daughter have embraced Christ and are becoming devout followers. More than 90 children participate in the SportQuest soccer academy and fitness program located in Maturin, Monagas in eastern Venezuela. SportQuest Partner Cesar Daniel Bermudez runs the program and has a dream that it will grow to serve 500 youth. Residents in this community face many challenges including poverty, dysfunctional homes, alcoholism, and drug addiction. “We have seen how the different sports and fitness programs have allowed children and their parents to play sports and go to church together,” Cesar says. “Children and youth play sports and are discipled. Mothers attend daily fitness training and learn the Word of God. Fathers are invited to participate in games to connect with their children and also to learn about the Lord. As a result, several participants have made their confession of faith, have been baptized, and attend church regularly.” Santiago Salazar met Jesus through soccer. At 14 years old, in the middle of a biblical teaching, Santiago accepted Christ into his life. In December 2021, he was baptized and today he attends church on a consistent basis. As prepares to be a professional soccer player, he is also learning how to share his story and his love of Christ with others. Great things are happening in Venezuela through sports and fitness while learning about Christ. Praise God!

Meet Our Missionaries

“God is working in Venezuela. He is working with the families and changing the lives of many children.”

Oscar Pena

SportQuest Venezuela

“I was the product of a broken family. I didn’t have a lot going for me, but the one thing I did love so much was basketball...”

Kevin Verstraeten

SportQuest Belgium

“We are really blessed to have sport as a tool for ministry because it works in any context or any country.”

Andrii and Ellissa Petrenko

SportQuest Ukraine & Eastern Europe

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Here’s how we help youth discover God’s love through sport and play.

1. Create Community

Young people find a place to belong by joining our sports programs, and the coaches we support become trusted mentors in their lives. 

2. Share the Gospel

In organic, conversational ways, we invite youth to encounter Jesus, experience prayer, study the Word, and develop a biblical worldview. 

3. Celebrate God’s Victories

Time and time again, we marvel at God’s work of salvation and transformation in participants’ lives. In many cases, parents also become involved and discover the love of God.

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Support Our Missionaries

Donate to Support Our Missionaries

Donations support our core SportQuest team, our missionaries, and our sports programs around the world.

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Join a SportQuest Vision Trip

Travel abroad to see one of our ministries in action and work on projects which give their programs a boost.

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Join a global movement to champion families and youth.

SportQuest is part of All4One Ministries. Together with our adventure ministry, 4MUS, we invite families into inspiring activities, authentic community, and intentional opportunities to discover Jesus and God’s good plan for their lives.

4MUS serves adults, and their families as well, through life-changing outdoor adventures that awaken hearts, bring clarity to their purpose in life, and strengthen family relationships.

Visit 4MUS

SportQuest serves youth, and their families by extension, through a global movement of sport ministry leaders who help them discover a biblical worldview and the love of Christ.

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Youth around the world are searching for the kind of love and acceptance only Jesus provides.

But, they need a safe place to meet Him outside of traditional church programs. Sport activities create that opportunity, and we support a worldwide network of Sport Missionaries who help kids encounter the love of God through sport and play.

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