Greetings from Belgium! We are incredibly excited for you to join us this summer as we partner with local churches… Read more Countdown to Belgium: Meet your Project Leaders
Greetings from Belgium! We are incredibly excited for you to join us this summer as we partner with local churches to serve youth through the tool of sports. Thank you for your commitment to come to Belgium in July! We are excited to see how God will use this upcoming project to build His Kingdom here.
We are just now wrapping up the spring vacation period here in Belgium. For the past two weeks, we have been traveling throughout the country and visiting our different church locations in order to reconnect with the kids that we met during last summer’s project. The summer project is when we establish relationships with many new kids from the communities, and throughout the year the local church hosts “SportQuest Reunions” to continue building on those relationships and sharing about Christ through sports or other fun activities. The 2-3 weeks you will spend in Belgium play a big role in our year-round ministry!
Now let’s meet the SportQuest Belgium team:
Kevin and Jenni Verstraeten
Meghan Bass
Leslie Geist
In addition to the SQ Belgium team, SQ staff members Danielle Thomas and Becky Bowden will also be providing leadership for this project.
Danielle Thomas
Becky Bowden
SportQuest is part of All4One Ministries, a global organization dedicated to strengthening families through adventure and sport.